Applying for a patent to protect your invention can be a painstaking process which requires a lot of legal and technical knowhow and skills and incurs significant costs. The Dayspring Law Firm Inventor Programme (IAP) is designed to support inventors and small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) with the technical expertise on a pro bono basis or at concessional rates to help increase the chances of SMEs obtaining such a valuable asset. The main aim of the Inventor assistance programme is to help identify and protect promising inventions of inventors and SMEs who may not have the expertise and financial resources to do so by themselves.

For more details on this programme, you can consult the brochure below which includes a brief introduction of Dayspring Law Firm, the African Intellectual Property Organisation, key aspects of patents and the patenting process, as well as the benefits of the Inventor Assistance Programme.

Interested persons including individual inventors and researchers as well as small and medium-sized enterprises are invited to apply for this programme from the September 1 to September 30, 2024 by filling the application form provided for this purpose.

Download link to DLF Inventor Assistance Programme

Download link to IAP Application form
