Patent Engineer | OAPI Licensed Industrial Property Attorney| Lecturer | Head Patent Practice

Academic & Professional Profile

  • OAPI Licensed Industrial Property Attorney, African Intellectual Property Organization, July 2024
  • Certificate of completion jointly signed by Harvard Law School (HLS) and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), for the WIPO-HLS joint certificate course on Patent Law and Global Public Health (“PatentX”), 2024
  • Masters Degree in Patent Engineering from the Félix HOUPHOUËT-BOIGNY National School of Engineering – Institut National Polytechnique Félix HOUPHOUËT-BOIGNY de Yamoussoukro (INP-HB), Ivory Coast, 2023
  • Advanced International Certificate Course in Intellectual Property Management for Business Success, WIPO/KIPO/KIPA/KAIST, 2019
  • Msc Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland, 2018
  • Msc Molecular Biotechnology, University of Buea, Cameroon, 2015
  • Bsc Biochemistry, University of Buea, Cameroon, 2011
  • Certificate in Industrial Biotechnology, Coursera, 2019
  • General Course on Intellectual Property, WIPO, 2018
  • Faith lectures Drug & Pharmaceutical Technology to undergraduate students in universities
  • Faith has one year’s scientific research experience in Molecular Biology & Biotechnology and Bio-science research methods


Faith is a patent engineer with a rich academic background in the sciences. She has been part of the Dayspring Law Firm from its inception after leaving the patent department of another IP law firm where she spent more than one year practicing patent law.

She heads the patent practice of Dayspring Law Firm and is one of the very few patent engineers in the AIPO region, also with a vast scientific background.

Faith is also in charge of the Inventor Assistance Programme of the intellectual property department of the law firm.

Areas of Practice

Within Dayspring Law Firm, Faith performs the following functions on a daily basis:

– Helping client inventors with every aspect of the patent process.
– Helping clients to conduct landscape, patentability, and freedom-to-operate searches.
– Assisting clients of the firm in the identification of white-space opportunities.
– Assisting clients of the law firm to draft invention disclosures on behalf of engineers.
– Assisting in patent litigation matters.
– Helping clients of the law firm to find and execute ways of encouraging innovation, including, but not limited to, leading invention brainstorming sessions
– evaluating the patentability of innovations.
– Preparing, drafting, searching, conducting due diligence and supporting with filing patent applications.
– Working closely with attorneys and different business teams.
– Performing research, analysis, and providing guidance on a variety of patent and IP-related issues.
– Developing the patent team and projects of the law firm.
– Developing the patent practice of the law firm.
– Providing IP consultancy services including IP audit, IP strategy development, IP licensing and commercialisation assistance, sensitisation and training.
– Assisting the IP team of the law firm in the implementation of strategies.
